Canada Study: Benchmarks for Digital Readiness
Executive summary
What does it mean for an organization to commit to digital transformation? Digital transformation projects typically point to investments in IT assets to modernize business processes, but there is a lot of preparation that goes into those decisions before any implementations roll out. Identifying workflows ripe for automation, teeing up resources, preparing for impact on the user experience, shifting mindsets to embrace change; these things and so many more are part of the digital readiness journey.
Key findings
- 63% of Canadian corporations polled have begun the shift to digital operations by hiring specialized staff, automating processes and preparing for more
- More than half of Canadian organizations (53%) report initial digital implementations complete or being well on their way
- Enterprise corporations (>$1B in revenue) have the greatest number of digital transformation projects completed and have future implementations planned
- The smaller the company, the fewer digital transformation projects have been completed
- The strongest driver for digital transformation projects is staying competitive, regardless of company size
- Strategic vision is the #1 rated digital readiness factor, rated as “very significant” in influencing and achieving digital transformation goals
- Staying competitive and improving customer interactions are the primary drivers for going digita
- 66% of companies cited budget as a key factor in their ability to implement digital projects
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